Thursday 20 October 2011


For the conclusion of this subject within 3 chapter that consist of the evolution HRIS, Competitive Advantage and Globalizing HRIS, it might useful to student know very well as much the function of HRIS in the organization. In other words, this chapter expose all the usage information technology to HRM task and make the usage of system to improve the KSA of HR personnel. Thus, before as we know that in history of HRM , the HR personnel lack in their KSA as well as their task as a clerk, and through this transformation and globalization, all organization might to use the system in order to make the operation of business and strategies smoothly conducted by employee.
However, in the globalization also, the companies have the right decision to choose any of models to being their strategies to compete the business whether to use multinational model, transnational model, global model and international model.

Reflection 3 : Using Information System for Competitive Advantage

Next topic after Introduction of HRIS is Competitive Advantage. This topic overall affected by technology. Why it was technology? Because, by using technology, the organization can fluently drive their business strategies in order to gain their organization output and it also can change the way business compete. There are five competitive strategies in HRIS which is:
1.      Cost Leadership
In such the companies was low their cost producers to help the supplier and customer to enjoy the reduce cost of that product. But, sometimes the company was increase their cost in order to make compete with others.
2.      Differentiation Strategy
The differentiation of strategy also can improve the firm’s product as well as their result marketing from its competitors.
3.      Innovation Strategy
The companies have their own initiative to improve and transform the unique product to make the high attraction of customer to company’s product or services.
4.      Growth Strategy
The growth strategies is the best plan and decision of the company in order to enlarge their company capacity to produce and expand it into a global markets
5.      Alliance Strategy
This strategy was exposing to suppliers, competitors, and other companies in order to establish the linkage and alliances it.
To a large degree, these five market forces collectively determine the ability of a firm, whether large or small, to be successful. Obviously, all industries are not alike; therefore, each force has varying impact from one situation to the next. Porter identifies numerous elements of industry structure that influence these five factors. Detailed explanation of them is, however, beyond the scope of this discussion. Briefly stated, these factors influence the creation of a competitive advantage as follows:
Buyer power influences the prices that firms can charge, for example, as does the threat of substitution. The power of buyers can also influence cost and investment, because powerful buyers demand costly service. The bargaining power of suppliers determines the cost of raw materials and other inputs. The intensity of rivalry influences prices as well as the costs of competing in areas such as plant, product development, advertising, and sales force. The threat of entry places a limit on prices and shapes the investment required to deter entrants.
The explanation by Dr.Nur Naha and my tutor about the competitive force was clearer for me to understand because to succeed, the business must develop strategies regarding by this forces such as:
·         Rivalry of competitors within its industry (such as the product of communication have various branch to compete each other)
·         New entrants into an industry and its market (the new branch that involve in the big famous product e.g: CSL is the new branch of  hand phone product)
·         Substitute products that may capture market share (services or the facilitate that the branch provided to customer as well to be more attractive)
·         Bargaining power of customer
·         Bargaining power of supplier

Reflection 2 : Globalizing HRIS

On Globalizing HRIS

Since Dr.Nur Naha said this chapter was contribute 80% in  final exam questions, it’s might for me to more focus on this chapter and assumed  that it was the interesting subject because this chapter was tell us about the globalization in HRIS.  After I print out the slide of this chapter and have read the article, totally I can’t imagine about this model. But, after I attend the tutor class, I got the explanation regard by the example from En.Zarir , it really make me sense about this chapter. In my mind, “why the companies were choose to use the HRIS model??”..But I kept it in deep of my heart…and the answer of that question was come by Dr.Nur Naha. She said that the companies now a day choose to use this model because of competitive forces. In competitive forces was happen because of:
1.      Local flexibility / differentiation (The need for responsiveness through local differentiation)
2.       Leveraging knowledge / sharing (The need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing)
3.      Global efficiency (The need for efficiency through global integration)
The usage of this model can improve and share globalized about the HRIS and HRM task which is:
·         Multinational Model
·         Global Model
·         International Model
·         Transnational Model
The aspect that most anxiety and difficulty for me is the types of companies that why they choose to use the model because, it’s mostly of the models used for HRIS, so I got confused sometime is that company applied the model for HR or their product?. And after I got the explanation by Dr.Nur Naha and the article that she uploaded in eLearning was make me more understand well the function of the HRIS models.
In sum, I want our HRIS section 2 in the future was adding more example for the chapter talk about because by using explanation of examples it might make us more understand but not use the company’s product as the example because it make myself more confuse.

Karen, B ., & Alfred, J . W. (2000). Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model. IHRIM     Journal, 30-43.

Reflection 1 : The Web and Key Trends Changing Human Resources

The Web and Key Trends Changing Human Resources & Historical Evolution of HRM and HRIS

            For the first class of HRIS, I don’t know anything about this course and after I got explanation from Dr.Nur Naha and my tutor, En. Zarir, the HRIS is all about the system that all organization and personnel use in HRM.  Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is more important for the HR Department because it was fully using the technology to transforming the HR Personnel. If we look to the first generation around 1870 and above, they were finished the task by manually and it happen around local area. The task mostly about the administration and management that kindly handled by clerk. The transforming occurs from the local part to the global, admin to self services, delivered internally to outsource. By using the new technology and create the best system for management, it can make the flow process of the organization become successful and at the same time it can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business process. Some of the information system was combination of people, hardware, software, data resources and the communication network. That systems mostly have their own role and function such as it can stores and retrieves the data, transform and disseminates information in an organization.
However, if we accept the existence of HRIS, there is the historical of HRM and the evolution of HRIS. The function of HRM is more about recruitment and selection, compensation and benefit, performance, and training and development. After I learn about the history of HRM since Per World War 2, Post World War 2 until become the Social Era, I realize that era was slowly transform the task of HR and at the same time HRM become more important department in organizations. HR professionals rely on the HRIS to fulfill their job functions in the areas of regulatory reporting and compliance, compensation analysis, payroll, pension, and profit sharing administration, skill development and skill inventory, benefits administration, etc. As the complexity of these analyses and tasks increases, the need for more powerful computing capabilities increases commensurately. Thus, for the HR professional there is an increasing reliance on the HRIS to fulfill even the most elementary job tasks.

Anthony, R.H (2003). Human Reources Information System: Backbone Technology of     Contemporary Human Resources. Journal of Labor Research, 381-394.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Everything About Me and My History

Assalamualaikum and Ahlan Wasahlan to my blog. Let me introduce my self first. Farah Nabilah Binti Khairul Anuar was my real name but Farah Al-Wardah was my nickname among facebook friends and students in UTM. Born on June 5,1990 at Hospital Sultanah Aminah JB. Waahh, i mentioned this like essays autobiography since i was in primary school..hihi..My field education since in secondary school is arabic because i really love arabic language and my dream want to be the linguistic professor. But not all our dreams come true, and i got a course that very different with arabic field, HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT..Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah that gave me opportunity to further my study in UTM, also this is my chance to improve my ENGLISH language skill since i really hate English language before this and also I’ll hope that this course will give me the exposure about the human capital and their sources and hope that I can achieve my ambition as a lecturer or HR Manager.